With the monetary backing of a notorious moneylender, Lee Chan Woo, who is a former bar waiter and middle school dropout, decides to open his own high-end nightclub. In preparation for the opening, he recruits the famous floor manager Sung Eun Young to help out.
One day, Chan Woo stumbles upon top celebrity rapper Fractal high on drugs and decides to alert his friend, police officer Park Gi Heon. While investigating, Gi Heon discovers that the son of Baek Young Gam, one of the biggest loan sharks, is also among the people taking drugs with Fractal. Unfortunately, the plan to take down Baek spirals out of control, with some in the prosecutors’ office and even politicians being involved. After getting embroiled in the case with influential people pursuing him, Chan Woo works to save his life and reveal the truth.
Native Title: 양자물리학
Also Known As: Yangjamullihak , By Quantum Physics: A Nightlife Venture , Yangjamoolrihak